February 7, 2025
Club and Sports Picture Day will be rescheduled. TBA
Attention Students:
Attention students - The Snapple machine is only available to students during the lunch periods. Teachers will not let you enter a classroom with a beverage other than water.
Reminder - the lost and found is being packed up and donated before the holiday break.
*Students MUST lock their lockers, in order to safeguard their personal belongings. Please adhere to the rules or locker privileges may be revoked. Additionally, students are NOT PERMITTED to share lockers.
Please come to school dressed appropriately and ready to go outside for recess.
Please be reminded that students are NOT PERMITTED to keep papers, pencils, earbuds or ANYTHING in the laptop case. Only the laptop is to be stored in the case.
Regarding Minga, please continue to make a pass each time you wish to go somewhere. Of course if you want to go to the nurse, you also need to take the laminated nurse lanyard. If at some point you go to make a pass and are not permitted, you must wait until one is available. Please DO NOT ask your teacher to let you go out of class anyway.
Student Arrival: All students should remain on the plaza until 8:00 AM when we enter the building for Homeroom. Students scheduled for band, chorus, orchestra, or FAMS Live, or would like to use the computer lab can enter by the Gym doors prior to this time. We will remain outside unless there is extreme cold or inclement weather. Please dress appropriately.
- If there is inclement weather upon arriving to school, make sure to wait for the 8:00 bell in the following locations: 6th grade - front hallway where Spanish and French classrooms are located; 7th grade - MPR; 8th grade - Gym lobby; no one should be going to their locker until the bell has rung.
So, you think you're a good speller? Well, here's your chance to prove it!
FAMS will be holding its First Spelling Bee! This event is open to all FAMS students.
The FAMS Spelling Bee will be held in the MPR on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 6:00 PM.
The winner of this event will move on to represent FAMS at the North Jersey Spelling Bee held on March 11, 2025, at Bergen Community College. This competition is part of the prestigious Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Interested students should fill in the
linked Google Form by Monday, 1/13. We will also be having a brief interest meeting next Wednesday, 1/15, from 3:00 - 3:15. Here you will receive practice materials. If you are interested in participating in the bee, but unable to attend the interest meeting, please see or email Ms. Marte or Mrs. Weiner.
Are You a Future Innovator?
Application deadline was MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025.
See Mrs. Weiner or Ms. Marte for any questions
7th grade handbells will meet today at lunch and Monday morning.
Club Care Club CARE The Animal Club will meet this Wednesday from 3-3:30. We have a very special animal guest this week so please try and attend.
National Honor Society-
Peer Tutoring Club:
The Tutoring Club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, in room 233 after school.
We welcome both students who need some extra help and students who would like to help others! (in any subject!)
Please stop by if you haven't picked up a permission slip.
You can also pick up a permission slip before homeroom starts in room 238.
Please email Mrs. DeCarlo if you are interested in joining this club!
You can also see Levi D. if you have any questions.
We are looking to alternate between having meetings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Please arrange for pick up at 3:15!
Card Club:
This club is open to any students interested in learning and competing in various games. This club is always open to new members, simply arrive with the attached permission slip. Please have your ride pick you up promptly at 3:30pm.
Any interested students must arrive with the completed attached
permission slip on Friday. Please have your ride pick you up promptly at 3:30pm.
Art Club:
The 6th grade Art club will not be meeting for the month of January. Please stay posted for our next meeting in February.
New members are always welcome!
Are you a 6th grader interested in ART?
This club is for you!
Please fill out this form:
We meet every Tuesday after school until 3:45 PM
Please see or e-mail Mrs. Behrens with any questions.
Debate Club:
Debate Club will meeting on Tuesday, January 28 at 3 - 3:45 pm in Room 214. If you have any questions, please contact me at
[email protected].us. Hope to see you there!
Yearbook Club:
Yearbook Club will meet Wednesday after school from
3:00-3:30PM. Please arrange for pickup at 3:30PM!
The DEADLINE to order your Yearbook is February 21st!!! Don't miss out on capturing your FAMS Memories!
As a reminder, all grades are featured in the yearbook!
Book Club:

FAMS Book Club Club
discussion of
The Mystery of Locked Rooms By Lindsay Currie will now be meeting on
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH 3:00-3:30 in Room 144
to discuss the entire novel!
Come see Mrs. Dranoff in Room 144 for details or a permission slip.
New members are ALWAYS welcome!
Please fill out the Google Form that can be found in your Gmail if you are interested in joining.
We hope to have our first meeting the first week of October to select our first novel.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Dranoff directly!
Attention drama club cast and crew members - Permission slips and registration for the spring musical are due by December 6th. Registration can be completed online through the PTA memberhub or the link is on Google Classroom and permission slips can be handed in to Mrs. Campbell or Ms. Romer.
*Check the Drama Google Classroom for all information and complete the Cast Audition Google Form if you plan to audition*
Chess Club:
The Chess Club will meet on Wednesday from 3 - 3:45 pm in the Library.
All grades and levels are welcome to join chess club.
See Mrs. Weiner or Ms. Marte with any questions.
Academic Competition Club:
The Academic Competition Club will meet this Thursday in the Library Classroom from 3 - 3:45 pm.
Anyone interested in the February 4 spelling bee is welcome to come train.
Email Ms. Marte or Mrs. Weiner if you are interested,
This is a club for students who like trivia, game shows, and buzzer-based competitions. We practice trivia questions at the club so that we can then compete in regional competitions in the areas of science, geography, and history.
Environmental Club:
Environmental Club is canceled for Tuesday 2/4

We are pleased to announce that Spring Sports will be hosting mandatory interest meetings for all athletes interested in playing a spring sport.
- Baseball - Tuesday, February 11 in Room 214 (Coach - Mr. Jenisch)
- Softball - Tuesday, February 11 in Room 112 (Coach - Ms. McCartan)
- Track & Field - Thursday, January 30 in FAMS Gym (Coaches - Mrs. Banta, Mr. DiMichele, Ms. Urbanak)
Please note that any FAMS student interested in participating in a spring sport, Baseball, Softball, or Track and Field, must follow the guidelines below regarding Athletic Forms and clearance due by Friday, March 14. This way we can assure all students are properly cleared by our District Doctor and the Nurse.
Additionally, the Franklin Lakes Board of Education has implemented an athletic “Participation Fee” for all students participating in middle school athletics. Please read through the information below, follow the guidelines, and meet the mandated timelines in order to ensure that your child is eligible for tryouts and participation in a specific sport. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to Nurse Marchetti.
March Madness is back. Do you like to play basketball? FAMS hosts it's own March Madness basketball tournament. Get your friends together and create your own teams. (NO BASKETBALL experience required) We will have a 6th grade league and a 7th and 8th grade league. Boys and girls combined. Team forms are located outside the gym. Any questions please see any PE teacher. Forms should be submitted by Wednesday February 13th. Our league play will begin after February break. Need a team, let us know and we will place you on a team.
Track & Field:
If you are interested in participating in track and field this spring, please take a moment to fill out
this Google Form.
Track and field is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders—whether you're a seasoned athlete or looking to try something new, we encourage you to join us!
Important Information:
- Paperwork Submission: Please make sure to submit all required medical paperwork to Nurse Marchetti by March 15th. No paperwork will be accepted after this date! All forms can be found here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Urbanak, Mrs. Banta or Mr. DiMichele.
Girls: The girls ended their season with a tough-fought loss against Cresskill. Finley Eilert led all scorers with 20 points and Camille Young added 14 points. Great season girls. Mr. Manfra
Fams boys basketball team beat Cresskill 58-47 to finish the season 7-4. The boys have a playoff game at Wyckoff Friday at 4:00pm.
Mr. Alaimo
Are you interested in trying out for BASEBALL or SOFTBALL? There will be a brief, but IMPORTANT meeting immediately after school on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
The BASEBALL meeting will be in Mr. Jenisch's Room 214 and the SOFTBALL meeting will be in Ms. McCartan's Room 112.
PLEASE ARRANGE FOR A 3:15 pick up!
Can't attend? Send an email to your coach to let them know ahead of time!
Attention Students:
Selling of items is not permitted on school grounds.
This includes things such as candy, drinks, and everything else.
Student Dress: Our dress guidelines are posted in our Student/Parent Handbook. We have seen a large increase in pajama bottoms, UGG style slippers, and Crocs style slides. As a reminder, students should be prepared for all of their classes with proper attire and footwear and be sure to follow the guidelines posted. Pajama bottoms and/or Slippers are not appropriate for school.
- Be sure to have a pass when you leave a classroom. You are to go directly to and from your destination, without stopping at other classrooms.
- Please be sure to lock your locker. Lockers are left open are at risk.
- Lunch procedures: Be sure to go to your locker before arriving at the MPR for lunch and bring everything you need with you - such as your coat, lunch and money. If you want to go to Alternate Lunch or the Library, be sure to sign out. You may only sign yourself out. Friends may not sign out other friends.
CLUBS- *Do you have questions about the
clubs at FAMS? Over the years, FAMS has hosted a variety of clubs such as cooking club, club CARE, bowling club, book club, diversity club, newspaper club, photography club, stock market club, ping pong club, tennis club, geography club, chess club, chemistry club and FAMS Rock. Clubs are organized either by teachers who want to lead a club, or by a student who has an interest and wants to see a club started. In that case, the student must find 10 people who want to join the club and find a teacher willing to be the club advisor, before finally speaking with Mr. Keiser for permission for the club to begin.
Other extracurricular activities to be aware of are PLC events, music ensembles, our school musical, and our sports teams. If you do not play on a sports team or participate in a music group, consider cheering on our teams at home games and attending concerts and the school musical when it hits the stage in March.