Franklin Ave Middle School

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Health Office » Health Concerns & Medical Forms

Health Concerns & Medical Forms

According to the state of New Jersey and school board policy, all medicine, including over the counter medication can only be given when the "medication permission slip" is completed and signed by the student's doctor and the parent/guardian.

  • Medications to be administered by the school nurse must be brought in by a parent/guardian in its original container.
  • The medication permission slip & medication should be placed in a zip lock bag labeled with student's name and grade. 
  • IF YOUR CHILD HAS: ALLERGIES,ASTHMA,DIABETES,SEIZURES etc. Please download the appropriate Action Plan below. The student's doctor will need to complete it along with parent signature. Action plan and medication should be brought in by a parent. 
As of July 1,2024 the physical (PPE) form has been updated by the State of NJ. By law all schools in NJ are to ONLY accept the Medical Eligibility Form in the packet. If you would like to submit all pages of the PPE a parent or guardian must provide written permission, "allowing the FAMS health office to hold all pages of the PPE through out the student's time at FAMS." 

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing product, please call Mylan's Customer Relations for assistance in locating other pharmacies at 800.796.9526 M-F, 8a-7p ET.