Welcome to the FAMS Library

Our FAMS library is a :

To find a book in the FAMS Library!

To find a book at the public library!


World Book Encyclopedia Online

JerseyClicks Databases - The NJ State Library

Snopes - Researches urban legends and other rumors. It is often the first to set the facts straight on fake news claims.

Citation Tools

MLA Citation Organizer

Click Here

APA Citation Organizer

Click Here

Citation Help

Please see Purdue Owl:



Reading Lists


Bio - Mr. V

Mr. V. grew up in Wyckoff and graduated from Ramapo High School. He attended Washington University in St. Louis, graduating with honors with a double-major in history and education. After working as both a production manager and a screenwriter in Hollywood, he has returned to teaching. Mr. V. has completed his Master’s Degree in Education at William Paterson University with a concentration in school library media. He has completed the NJEXCEL program to acquire his supervisor and principal's certificate. He is a Fulbright Fellow, studying best practices in the teaching of media literacy. Mr. V. is a member of the Writer’s Guild of America.


The philosophy of the FAMS library is to enrich each and every one of our student's lives. Students read and access information for two very clear objectives: for knowledge - and for pleasure. It is the heart of the library program at FAMS that students grow both in their research skills and in their ability to choose literature and information for their personal enrichment, pleasure, and goals. The FAMS media center's strive is to develop in its students a life-long commitment to education and a joy for learning. We work to instill in our students a sense of personal and social responsibility, self-confidence, and a respect and appreciation of others.

Our library enriches and compliments a comprehensive, academic program that recognizes the individual needs of children - and prepares them for the challenges ahead.

Office Hours:

First Tuesday of the Month @ 7:30 AM

Second Wednesday of the Month @ 3:00 PM

All office hours are by appointment. Please email me at tvranesich@franklinlakes.k12.nj.us

(Please put "office hours request" in the subject line of your email. Thanks!)